Mar 13, 2025

Having only built myself a Scrambler a few months ago, it may seem a little crazy to change to a Mk7 this quickly, you'd be right, but I always had an itching that I wanted a larger rear tyre in the Scrambler, and preferred to stick with 29 inch wheels. The Mk7 fits the 29x2.8 Oxbow in nicely!
The straight lines of the Mk7's twin top tube are a thing of beauty and there's something about this build that I think just looks right!
Component Highlights
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Full Specification

Chassis & Steering
- Stooge MK7 18"
- Doom bars
- Hope headset
- Paul Comp 7/8th stem

Drivetrain & Wheels
- Hope pro 5 Hubs
- Velocity Dually 29inch rims
- Middleburn RS8 cranks
- 32 tooth Middleburn ring
- Surly 19 tooth cog
- Gusset SS kit

Finishing Touches
- Paul Klamper Brakes
- Paul Love levers
- Brooks Swift saddle
- KS dropzone dropper
- Nissen cables
- Relic grips
- Simworks spacers
- Teravail Oxbow 29x2.8 tyres